
Teaching a High School Dancers in a community college performing arts center.

Vo Vera follows a path that speaks for the highest version his Self. A Latin abstraction that means, “to religiously devote oneself to,” Vo Vera is the amalgamation of a lifetime of balance-seeking and dedication to his artistry. Vo Vera serves to inspire the next generation via development of innovative conceptual art and experiences that explore the human condition using his creative toolbox of dance, movement language synthesis, performing arts, poetry, and photography.

Vo Vera’s pedagogy serves to inspire to dive deeper into movement, its histories and significance, and to stay in touch with their inner creator.
Pedagogical Statement & CV available upon email request.


– Adjunct Faculty at Maricopa
  Community Colleges – Hip Hop, Yoga
– Faculty Associate at ASU – Hip Hop, Yoga
– MFA Dance Candidate at ASU (Graduation: Fall 2023)
– 10+ years experience teaching dance, yoga, & movement at studios,
festivals, & other special events around the Western USA.


– Hip Hop (Social/Party Dances)
– Breaking
– Freestyle
– Creative Movement Practices
– Street Movement Concepts
– Framing: A Street Dance Technique
– Groovement
– BREAKasana (Yoga-based)
– Balances & Inversions  (Yoga-based)

Framing is a street dance technique that Vo Vera has developed and codified in pare with his MFA Thesis as a graduate student at Arizona State University.

  • v1 is a tactile trace style that draws from a 13-point grid of global, mid-limb, and distal joint areas.

Workshop/Masterclass Highlights

  • Threading – Lightning in a Bottle Festival – 2023
  • Balances & Inversions – Lightning in a Bottle Festival – 2023
  • Balances & Inversions – High Vibe Festival – 2023
  • Framing: A Street Dance Technique – American College Dance Association West Conference – 2023
  • The [Self] PracticeNational Dance Education Organization Conference – 2022
  • Hip Hop: A Movement Workshop Through The Lens of The Sacred – Gem & Jam Festival – 2021-2022
  • Street Dance Concepts – American College Dance Association West Conference – 2016-2023

2022 Gem & Jam Workshop Reel

2020 Teaching Reel